For Zoom
Below are some samples of my work for zoom.
Please take a look and enjoy (hopefully)!
The button on the right leads to my YouTube channel,
which is where I upload all my videos in a wildly
unorganized fashion. Feel free to subscribe!
Five-Minute Twelfth Night
For Shotgun Players' 30/30 Vision Project
'Twelfth Night' in five minutes. They said it couldn't be done. They were probably right."
Adapted by Alan Coyne
Rebecca Pingree, Alan Coyne, & Louel Señores
Video Editing by Louel Señores
“Pivot” written by Bacilio Mendez II
directed by Claire Ganem
feat. Louel Señores and Jed Parsario
as seen in Best of PlayGround 25
on May 29th, 2021
I'm Here
written by Conrad Panganiban
directed by Sinohui Hinojosa
Marissa Ampon as Milagros
Kaylamay Suares as Elle
Louel Señores as Tom
as part of Fresh Baked Pears 2021 ~~~~~ All playwrights were given the following to include: -must feature a folded photograph
-must include the line, “The end of the tunnel”
Playwrights were then given 24 hours — well, 23 because of Daylight Savings Time — to write a 10 minute piece. Actors and Director had one 2-hour rehearsal before performing their piece.
written by Alan Coyne
performed by Louel Señores
as part of the Quickfire Monologue Collaboration Week 10: “An Epiphany”
My very first performance submission to the Quickfire Monologue Collaboration! Thought I’d have some fun with virtual backgrounds.
"The Days That We Have Seen"
written by Robert Estes
performed by Louel Señores
as part of the Quickfire Monologue Collaboration
Week 12: “Food”
Played with some underscore, and a gradual black & white effect.
Music: F r a g m e n t s o f M e m o r i e s
(P i a n o A r r a n g e m e n t b y P i a n o R e b o r n)
Original Composed by N o b u o U e m a t s u
"Version B"
written and performed by Louel Señores
as part of the Quickfire Monologue Collaboration
Week 14: Surrender
My second written piece that I’ve done here for my records. Really had fun with the inset—Used GIPHY to help.
O n a j i T a k a m i e from
C l a n n a d (O r i g i n a l S o u n d t r a c k)
S h i o n a r i 2 from
C l a n n a d (O r i g i n a l S o u n d t r a c k)